Coaching Services

An integrative coaching program for parents of neurodivergent kids to rediscover joy in parenting.


You are tired of daily conflict with your neurodivergent kids. The feeling of being hopeless, that you keep trying to do things and they are not working, is eating away at you.

You are so stressed out by the lack of work/life balance that you just need a break. Your confidence continues to decrease each day your kid throws tantrums.

You find that you can’t get your neurodivergent kids to do simple tasks at home, which is causing you to overreact at the moment and then feel regret or guilt afterward.

Do you want to help your neurodivergent kids but just don’t know how?


Your kids have all the support and services, but when it comes to using the tools at home, it is like pulling teeth

You don’t have the time or energy to keep trying and feel like giving up.

Likely you hear their support team saying how important it is to practice or do something at home with you. Or perhaps you have tried the tools, and they aren’t working.

We know you want your kids to grow but feel a block when it comes to you being the one to implement the tools for communication and self-regulation at home.

We totally get it!

It is hard to be a parent in the 21st century due to all the demands to be perfect and mindful. 

Our clients have come in saying, “I feel guilty that I am not doing enough,” and spiraling down a rabbit hole of overthinking and overwhelm.


We told you that it is possible to find joy in parenting again, and it isn’t far away. With all the different tools out there, you can actually implement a practice that works for you and your neurodivergent kids.

You just have not found the right one yet.

You and your kids deserve to be laughing more and smiling daily. Imagine your relationship with your neurodivergent kids stronger than ever while setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.

We are sure you are wondering:

“Is this really possible?”

“How can I really get through to my neurodivergent kids?”

In our Introspective Coaching Program, we guide you through navigating your current situation with you.

Go from stressed out and burnt out…

To empowered and congruent in your parenting style.

Be so clear with your purpose as a parent.

Take your communication skills to a whole new level

Client Success Story

Diane Vitug, a single mom in San Diego, CA, came to Mitra and told her that “I used to wish that confidence would come in a bottle.” She felt like she was perpetuating this self fulfilling prophecy where she would only be attracted to people who were damaged because she felt that way inside too.

After working with Mitra, Diane illuminated with confidence so much so that people around her noticed a glow.


You are a parent of a neurodivergent child(ren) and want to strengthen your communication skills with your kids and family.

You have a deep desire to be totally confident in your parenting and you are ready to own that while discovering your purpose as a parent.

You need to set and maintain healthy boundaries with your kids, and maybe even with your partner or work, too. You try taking deep breaths or using other tools but those don’t calm you down in the moment anymore and you are ready to be free of tension.

You want to be so happy to wake up each day that your smile is contagious and you can’t wait to hug your kids.


Have an easier time being mindful in moments of conflict so that you can engage in congruent boundaries conversations with your family that leave you all accountable.

Let go of fear and self-doubt to reclaim your power as a parent, illuminating confidence in your communication with your neurodivergent kids because you are using conscious and effective strategies that work.

Receive support to rediscover the joy in parenting again!

GO ALL IN on your personal growth–when you thrive, your family and children thrive, too.


It is through beliefs and family values that drives parenting styles. We begin our work with a Breakthrough Session by going introspective with you to uncover the fundamental beliefs about parenting that are not serving you anymore. Once we understand where the beliefs came from and why you have them, then we guide you through Mental and Emotional Release® (MER®) and energy work. It is through releasing unhelpful beliefs and emotions that allows you to overcome your own limitations and go from feeling scattered like a light bulb to focused like a laser beam that can reach the moon. You become clear and congruent with who you are and who you want to be as a parent.

Within coaching sessions, we provide you with the necessary tools to easily improve your communication with your neurodivergent kids, including setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. We guide you through mindfulness practices to integrate into your day, allowing you to be present and maximize your time. We teach you self-regulation skills that are easy to share with your neurodivergent kids, creating a sense of ease at home. We break everything down into simple, easy-to-follow steps so you’ll never feel stressed or overwhelmed while strengthening your parenting style to work for you and your neurodivergent kids!

The most effective teacher for your child is you, and we are here to help you support your neurodivergent kids.


  • Breakthrough Session

    Coaching without an initial Breakthrough Session is like trimming the weeds in a garden, without getting to the root, the weeds keep coming back and the problem(s) continue a vicious cycle. We begin with a Breakthrough Session to remove the weed by its root utilizing Mental and Emotional Release® (MER®) and energy work, which allows you to implement tools efficiently and successfully in a shorter period of time.

  • Align Your Values & Goals

    Values are what is most important to you and how you spend your time. By getting clear on what your values are in family, we will guide you in ensuring your values are aligned with what you want in life. Your values will be integrated in a 3 step goal setting process of clearly identifying:

    Who you want to BE as a parent

    How you’re going to DO that

    Then specifying your short term goals to get you to your desired outcome.

  • Take Action with Intention

    Based on your goals, we create a personalized action plan to implement strategies and tools that work for you and your family. This includes:

    Communication Models

    Conflict Resolution

    Set & Maintain Boundaries

    Self-Regulation Tools

    Mindfulness Practices

    Deescalation Strategies

  • Maintain Positive Focus

    Obstacles arise in life, especially when you’re on a personal growth journey. Instead of letting those moments derail you down a spiraling staircase, we support you in keeping your eye on the prize through implementing quick and easy daily practice that works for you. We support you through:



    Connecting to Your Purpose

    Celebrating your Progress


Marcy Largon

“I contacted Chase because my 10th grade son, who has adhd and autism, was struggling with anxiety about the social and academic aspects of school. He had very low self confidence and would get very stressed and overwhelmed with the school work, grades, meeting the deadlines, staying organized, and interactions with peers. Chase worked with him for about 3 months and we have a noticed big difference from before the sessions and now. Today, my son’s emotional regulation is very stable, he rarely expresses stress or self consciousness about peers and schoolwork. He is working almost completely independently and his stress level is very manageable when new responsibilities are added. He is open to new activities and approaches things with a positive attitude. When he does feel stressed or anxious, he is able to be aware of how he’s behaving, and most times will stop himself and take a different approach. The work with Chase has made a very positive difference in his life and he has repeatedly said that he’s very thankful for the work they did together.”

Alixx Lothian

“Mitra is an outstanding coach. She is by far the most professional, responsive, and genuine coach I have had the pleasure to work with. I felt catered to in each session. The work we did together has absolutely changed my life. In our first intensive session I was blown away with how much emotional work and discovery that we accomplished together. Years worth of therapy was consolidated into single sessions with NLP. I was given a new perspective on how to reframe old thoughts. I was provided with support in my romantic relationship. A year of conflict with my partner shifted into love, compassion, and forgiveness after just one session. NLP is truly the only therapy that has worked for me. I was willing to be open, honest, and struggle through the emotions. And I came out with a fresh perspective. A true blessing in disguise.”


  • 6-months of dedicated coaching with Chase or Mitra with a personalized success plan 

  • 2 Initial 4-Hour Breakthrough Session using Mental & Emotional Release® and Energy Work

  • 15 one-on-one 90-minute coaching calls with the option to discuss integrating the family in the last month of coaching, if appropriate

  • Access to your coach between sessions for ongoing support

  • Lifetime access to content and information shared


  • You’ll be so congruent in your parenting style.

  • You’ll have the confidence to consciously and effectively communicate with your neurodivergent kids.

  • You’ll go from stressed, overwhelmed, and feeling alone to happy, proud, present, and connected to your kids.

  • You’ll easily utilize self-regulation tools in the moment.

  • You’ll notice yourself living aligned with your life values.

  • You’ll rediscover the joy in parenting your neurodivergent kids.

Client Testimonials

  • Wendy Kim

    “I got a lot out of working with Mitra. She is a very grounded, calm, patient and kind coach. She helped me clarify my vision for my family. Prior to working with Mitra, I struggled a lot with reactivity with teenage son, who has ADHD and other mental health challenges. Mitra really helped me to be a lot calmer and less reactive with my son. That has made a big difference in our family. I am able to control my reactions and what I say a lot better versus reacting and regretting what I do and say later. She helped me to take the focus off of him and focus on how I can have more control and agency over myself.”

  • Donald Smith

    “Chase’s work with me on my break through session was fantastic. The preparatory work he assigned me continues to be immensely beneficial to me. Chase’s guidance gave me clear insight into the issue I was addressing and I have significantly benefited from the break through session we had.

    I am eternally grateful for his time and effort to help me reach my goal



We are Introspective Coaches for parents of neurodiverse kids to consciously and effectively communicate with their kids so that they find joy in parenting again.

It’s our mission to create positive environments for learning and growth where neurodiverse kids thrive. This starts within the family by guiding parents in breaking through their own limitations and becoming empowered in their parenting style.

We are excited to share with you a proven process for letting go of chronic stress, connecting to your purpose as a parent, and living aligned with your values. If you are experiencing clinical levels of depression, anxiety, or other mental health and mood related disorders, we are happy to work alongside other providers to ensure you are receiving the most holistic treatment.

We’ll teach you how to utilize effective strategies and practices to manage conflicts so that fun and laughter are abundant within your family. 

We’ll show you the path to where you, as the leader of your kids lives, elude confidence while enforcing healthy boundaries. 

We have done this within our own family and with many families around the world, and we know the possibilities that come with stepping into your introspective journey.