Hi, we are Chase & Mitra!

We see you struggling to communicate with your neurodivergent kids.

We see you miserable day after day with the ongoing conflicts. 

We see your words no longer working to get your neurodivergent kids to do what you ask of them.

We see you feeling guilty that you are not doing enough even though you are giving it everything you have.

We see how overwhelmed you are and how your confidence is dwindling.

We see you stuffing your feelings down, telling yourself that your neurodivergent kids shouldn’t see you as weak.

We get it, it can be challenging to make long-lasting changes on your own. It is uncomfortable and not everyone will understand what you are going through. We experienced our first breakthrough and transformational change in 2017 and we wouldn’t change a thing because it brought us to you. 

You can redirect your journey.


We are passionate about guiding our next generation neurodivergent kids to be successful and independent as they grow into adults. The way we help our neurodivergent kids thrive is by being mindful, confident, and congruent in communication, and it starts with you as the parent. 

We are Introspective Coaches for parents of neurodivergent kids to help them consciously and effectively communicate with their kids so that they can find joy in parenting again.


When we met, we knew our relationship would be more than love, it would be full of passion and purpose. We soon discovered that we were both born to serve and help families thrive. It began when we worked together at a small company in San Diego, CA supporting children to young adults with a variety of social, emotional, behavioral, and academic challenges, which many had diagnoses such as ADHD, Autism, Processing Disorders, Anxiety, etc.

We taught together in various types of groups and absolutely loved seeing our kids incorporate social thinking skills, self-regulation tools, and communication strategies quickly. At the end of the day after working with our one-on-one clients, we would be excited to sit at the dinner table and share our kids’ successes and collaborate on additional approaches regarding how to continue to help our clients flourish.

As our clients surpassed their goals and graduated from the program, their parents wanted more and did not want their kids to graduate yet! You see, they saw that the tools worked with us or at school, but found it challenging to have their child independently utilize them at home. Our parents wanted help breaking through their own fears and self-doubts so that they could better incorporate self-regulation and communication skills into their parenting while learning to let go and foster independence with their children.

It is from there we decided to take our expertise to the next level and began coaching and supporting parents of neurodivergent kids to consciously and effectively communicate with their kids so they can experience joy in parenting again. 


When I was a child, and into early adulthood, I would have identified myself as an internalizer with my emotions. Often feeling anxious about being anything less than perfect, perceiving that when emotions were addressed that it often created bigger problems around me.

So I learned to bottle things up. Sounds super healthy, right?

Today’s society is different from when I was a child, and is continuing to shift, but growing up young boys were taught to bottle up emotions. I remember playing tee-ball for the first time around 4-5 years old. I got up to bat and was so proud to hit my first ball. I ran towards first base and somehow slipped and scrapped up my knee. As my tear ducts began to well up, my coach looked at me and firmly stated,

“Boys, don’t cry! Dust yourself off and keep running!” 

Us as parents play such a big role in child development and how children learn to cope in the world; the world also plays such a big part in strengthening or combatting what is happening at home. When my daughter was a newborn and struggling with colic, she began crying and was difficult to sooth. I felt my stress increasing and noticed myself wanting to pull away, but stuck through it and held her tight because I wanted her to learn that it’s healthy to process your full emotion from start to finish.

My hope is that she learns that she doesn’t have to hide how she’s feeling and can grow up to be confident and have faith in herself. In order to continue to show up and be present with my daughter, it required transformational work with a coach and consistent focus on taking action based on the values and healthy beliefs I want to instill in my daughter.

All days with my family are incredible, even the tough ones have their positive moments, and I do my best every day to look for opportunities to grow as a husband and father because, well, let’s face it, all relationships take continual work to grow and maintain.


I was raised in a home where, culturally, women could not be outwardly outspoken and emotions like crying were frowned upon. I was a very hyper, confident kid, always running around. My uncle would call me Firecracker in Farsi because I would run around and slide in the hallways.

This made it challenging for me at home.

From my mom’s perspective, she was concerned that I had ADHD and was afraid that I would not excel academically due to poor grades in early education. I was assessed multiple times and never hit the threshold to meet criteria for a diagnosis. What wasn’t as well known at the time was that complex trauma can greatly resemble ADHD.

You see, I primarily grew up with a single mother while my dad battled his own mental health challenges. He had difficulty in self-compassion and conflict resolution and would always tell me,

“Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.”

My mom did what she thought was best by placing me into individual therapy, a small K-8 school, and multiple extracurricular activities: dance, piano, swim, basketball. It was through those shifts that I found community and positive role models.

When I joined theater in high school, I was finally able to express my emotions outwardly where they were nurtured and accepted. Through exploring my emotions and developing my emotional intelligence as an adult, I began to feel immense fear that I would turn into my dad. After receiving coaching and going through my own personal growth journey, I am connected back to my light in family and have let go of my fear as I happily stepped into being a proud mom. Sure, there are always opportunities to learn and grow, but that is the exciting thing about life and parenthood. 


  • Chase is the chef and Mitra is the baker in the relationship. Together we are a dynamic duo in the kitchen making paleo/healthy recipes. 

  • We met at a mutual friend’s birthday brunch during our undergrad at University of California, San Diego. Our love for brunch was love at first bite.

  • You will always find Chase drinking coffee at all hours of the day. 

  • In high school and college, Chase studied French while Mitra studied American Sign Language. 

  • Mitra loves Acroyoga (partner yoga) and bringing Chase in to do fun tricks.

  • When attending parties, we have won several dance competitions. No, not for ballroom dancing, just our natural flare on the dance floor.

  • In 2021, we went skydiving in San Diego, CA fulfilling a dream of Mitra’s and breaking through a fear of Chase’s.

  • Proud parents to our beautiful daughter, Ayla Ray.

  • We have two adorable pet cats, Kala & Kanoa.

  • Born and raised in California, we now live on Big Island, Hawaii.


Chase has a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology and a B.S. in Cognitive Science with a Specialization in Neuroscience and a Minor in French Literature. He is also certified as a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mental and Emotional Release® (MER®), and Hypnotherapy which he utilizes in his coaching. Chase has been supporting kids, teens, and parents with various social, emotional, behavioral, and academic-related challenges for 10+ years.

His specialization is working with parents to enhance family dynamics to create collaborative, harmonious, and fun filled lifestyles through integrating self reflection and conflict resolution strategies.  As a coach, Chase is empathetic, heart felt, and motivated for his clients’ transformation and is driven to help them become empowered.

Mitra has a B.A. in Cognitive Linguistics. She continued her education and became certified as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach as well as a Trainer of NLP, Mental and Emotional Release® (MER®), and Hypnotherapy. Mitra has been supporting families through social, emotional, behavioral, and academic solutions in one-on-one and group settings for 10+ years. She integrates her vast experience with intuitive Ancient Hawaiian energy work during her sessions with clients.

Her specialization is working with parents who are impacted by their own upbringing and looking to break free of their past and step forward into their aligned purpose as a parent while exploring their own growth in regulation and communication strategies. As a coach, Mitra is passionate, nurturing, and personable as she supports her clients in navigating parenthood.